Monday, May 9, 2011

Hey Blog...Long time no write!

Ahhhh! It's been craaaazy. And I just keep forgetting to update. My bad. So we ended our first round. It was...alright. I enjoyed the work a lot, buuut our sponsor (who shall not be named at this time) was a jerk! It was really hard for all of us to work with him. Now about our project.

We worked at 3 different girl scout camps (technically 4). Camp Todd for 2/3 weeks and Camp Grove Point for 3ish weeks. We also visited Camp Sandy Pines and Camp Country Center (I think) for a day or two.  It was hard work, but we could definitely see a difference. Some of the projects we did; painting (and lots of it), roofing (shingling and repairing), cleaning, stocking the cabins, repairing cabins, spraying insecticide (and getting slight chemical burn on my face...yay!), put up tents, brush/invasive species removal, cleared trails, built an adventure trail and all of the exercise stations to go along with it, and much more! We also got to kayaking fairly often. Even though we didn't have the best sponsor, we had a great time.

Other major events from Round 1: Physical therapy for my back, Jared leaving to go to the military, Bethany's concussion, saving a stink bug from the paint, having Ranger Ed come into the picture, gaining Terrell back (and now losing him...again) and sooo much more.

Now I'm in West Milford, NJ for our second project. We are at Camp Vacamas, which is a camp for underprivileged youth. The sponsors and everyone else we work with are amazing and truly inspiring. We are pretty much doing the same work here as we did at the Girl Scout camps.  But this seems a lot easier. The scenery is gorgeous. We are up in the mountains and pretty close to NYC. The weather is absolutely wonderful too.

I couldn't be happier with life right now. I think this is one of the best experiences of my life and I'm so glad I decided to do it. I'll try to post more often...but I make no promises!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Alyssa, I am so happy for you. It sounds like you have really found a great group of people to work with. What an incredible experience this is for you! And the "bad" is valuable experience too, even if it might not be what you'd like. Yay, for you!
