Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Long time comin! Sorry for the delay!

I'm so horrible with keeping this up! I'm sorry! (It's my first blog...don't kill me.)
So I have A LOT to update on. Well kinda. It's really been the same stuff around here.
You disaster relief, talking about our benefits, all that good stuff. It's actually prettttty boring. We sit in the theater and listen to them talk for like....6 hours. UGH!
We did have our first "project". Just a day project, but it was pretty cool. My pod (or temporary team), was supposed to paint city hall or something, but we ended up cleaning part of the beaches on the bay. It was awesome! I posted some pics on my facebook, so definitely check that out! I haven't been able to upload pictures here yet, but I will certainly try.

We now have our permanent teams! I'm still part of the Moose Unit! Holla! I'm pretty happy about my team.  Everyone seems pretty awesome (so far). I really enjoy my team leader, Jamie fo sho. It was actually pretty neat how we found out.  they took us to a giant field and gave us all a slip of paper with someone's name and a password. You had to find this person and also find your slip of paper. ( There were like..uhh...over 200 people doing this. Talk about CRAZY!!) Once you got your paper/password, you were told to find the van with the password you had. We all got into the van and found out our teams. It was pretty exciting. But I'm officially part of the Moose 3 team!

I still enjoy my housemates, and I've become pretty good friends with a few of the guys from across the street (Nolan, Brandon, and Nick aka foreverrrrr), and also a few girls on my street (Haley and Stephanie). Which is awesome. I made some apple pie for the house/neighbors. It was a hit (well at least they told me so). And tonight Haley is making a cake for our pod...I miss them :(  (My pod was my temporary team with team leader Allen). But I'm still happy about my team. And I can always see my friends whenever, since we live right next to each other!

Coming up...we have CPR, first aid, Shelter simulation, driving tests, etc etc.

OH! I'm actually going to be in DC friday night/saturday for an Independent service project. However, I won't be able to hang out with anyone.

I'm SUPER sorry for the delay (for everyone who has complained..ehemmm). I promise to update sooner and more frequent(ly?) I'm not sure what's going to happen from here, but I'm so excited to find out!

1 comment:

  1. Yay, Alyssa! It's great to know you are having a great time while learning all about your new adventure/job. I'm so glad you are posting the latest activities online. I'll go over to your FB and look at the pictures.
